2021 International Conference on Computer Auditing ICAEA--International Computer Auditing Education Association

Call for Papers

Paper Submission Deadline: June 10, 2021

The 2021 International Conference on Computer Auditing
September 10, 2021, Tokyo, Japan

Information Technology Skills, Agility and Knowledge for Accounting Graduates and Professional

The 2021 International Conference on Computer Auditing and ICAEA Annual Meeting aims to bring together researchers, lectures and practitioners interested on computer auditing education and other aspects of information systems and technology involving advanced business analytic.

ICAEA International Conference promotes the exchanges, discussion, and dialogues on how to develop the innovative training methods and teaching materials for the computer auditing training quality assurance. The participants exchange new ideas, grounds, premises, and findings in the fields of computer auditing and business analytic. The focus of the conference is on private firms, public agencies and academics.

Conference Areas:

  1. Digital Business: Innovation, Strategy and Governance
  2. Data Analytics /Machine Learning Technology for Auditing or Business Analysis
  3. Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) with Application
  4. Regulatory Technology (RegTech) with Application
  5. Continuous Auditing and Monitoring with Application
  6. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) with Application
  7. Data Analytics for Business Curriculum Design and Empirical
  8. Case Studies of Computer Auditing Education
  9. Other related fields in Computer Auditing

Participation to the conference:

The Conference is an opportunity to present a research, case studies, software tools, technology or solutions. Participants will have the possibility to make a presentation of the results of their research on one of the themes of the Conference, and to interact with their scientific, artistic peers, in a friendly and constructive environment.

The ICAEA International Conference encourages the following types of submissions:

  • Research Papers - Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas. (4-12 pages maximum)
  • Case Studies/ Reports - Case studies or industrial reports in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas. (4-8 pages maximum)
  • Software/ Research Proposal/ Student Papers – Software demonstration, ongoing research proposal or student projects in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas. (1-4 pages maximum)
  • Abstract or Proposals for Future Research - Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas. (1-4 pages maximum)

Please Note: Though this conference issues proceedings, we do not own copyright of the accepted manuscript.

Submission format:

All submissions should be MS Word or PDF file and use the APA writing format.
-See http://www.apastyle.org/ for details. Download the word template.

Online submission: All submissions must be done through EasyChair

Please Note: All submissions must be anonymous and will be peer-reviewed.

Important Dates:

June 10, 2021 Submission of full papers
July 10, 2021 Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
July 30, 2021 Final papers + Copyright + Early Registration
July 09, 2021 Final Registration
September 10, 2021 The 2021 International Conference on Computer Auditing

Journal Publication Opportunities

Excellent full papers accepted in the review process will be fast tracked for publication in the following prestigious journal.

♦ International Journal of Computer Auditing (IJCA)
(An Official Journal for International Computer Auditing Education Association) https://www.icaea.net/English/Publication/Journal.php

Please Note: Selected papers also need to pass the appropriate review process before considering for publication.


♦ Registration Fee:

  • Full Registration : $300 USD (before Sep 01, 2021)
  • Early Registration: $150 USD (before April 30, 2021)

♦ Conference fee covers:

  • Full conference participation
  • Conference material (Conference booklet, Disk and so on)
  • Coffee breaks

Please Notice:

    1. Accommodation, meal and travel expenses are not included in the Conference fee.
    2. Special Discount for CPA, CFE, CEAP, ICCP and students. Please see the conference web site.


ICAEA is registered as a non-profit organization in BC, Canada with Society Incorporation Number S-0060477.
Please visit the official website at http://www.iacae.org regularly for updates.
Contact email: icaea@icaea.net